November  2024


  ..... LICENSE


    │ CODE │ NAME(S)     │ DESCRIPTION             │
    │ 0x00 │ ADC         │ Add with carry          │
    │ 0x01 │ ADD         │ Add                     │
    │ 0x02 │ AND         │ Logical AND             │
    │ 0x03 │ BIN         │ Read block from I/O Bus │
    │ 0x04 │ BOT         │ Write block to I/O Bus  │
    │ 0x05 │ CALL        │ Call subroutine         │
    │ 0x06 │             │ Reserved                │
    │ 0x07 │ CMP         │ Compare operands        │
    │ 0x08 │ DEC         │ Decrement by 1          │
    │ 0x09 │ DIV         │ Unsigned divide         │
    │ 0x0a │ IDIV        │ Signed divide           │
    │ 0x0b │ IMUL        │ Signed multiply         │
    │ 0x0c │ IN          │ Read byte from I/O Bus  │
    │ 0x0d │ INC         │ Increment by 1          │
    │ 0x0e │ INT         │ Trigger interrupt       │
    │ 0x0f │ IRET        │ Return from interrupt   │

  Jcc - Jump (if condition is met)
    │ CODE │ NAME(S)     │ DESCRIPTION             │
    │ 0x10 │ JMP         │ Jump                    │
    │ 0x11 │ JZ/JE       │ Jump if ZF=1            │
    │ 0x12 │ JG          │ Jump if ZF=0 and NF=OF  │
    │ 0x13 │ JGE         │ Jump if NF=OF           │
    │ 0x14 │ JL          │ Jump if NF<>OF          │
    │ 0x15 │ JLE         │ Jump if ZF=1 or NF<>OF  │
    │ 0x16 │ JC          │ Jump if CF=1            │
    │ 0x17 │ JS          │ Jump if NF=1            │
    │ 0x18 │ JNZ/JNE     │ Jump if ZF=0            │
    │ 0x19 │ JNC         │ Jump if CF=0            │
    │ 0x1a │ JNS         │ Jump if NF=0            │

    │ CODE │ NAME(S)     │ DESCRIPTION             │
    │ 0x1b │ LD          │ Load word into register │
    │ 0x1c │ MOV         │ Move between registers  │
    │ 0x1d │ MUL         │ Unsigned multiply       │
    │ 0x1e │ NEG         │ Negate                  │
    │ 0x1f │ NOP         │ No operation            │
    │ 0x20 │ NOT         │ Negate operand (logical)│
    │ 0x21 │ OR          │ Logical OR              │
    │ 0x22 │ OUT         │ Write byte to I/O Bus   │
    │ 0x23 │ POP         │ Pop word from stack     │
    │ 0x24 │ PUSH        │ Push word to stack      │
    │ 0x25 │ RET         │ Return from subroutine  │
    │ 0x26 │ ROL         │ Rotate left             │
    │ 0x27 │ ROR         │ Rotate right            │
    │ 0x28 │ SL          │ Shift left              │
    │ 0x29 │ SR          │ Shift right             │
    │ 0x2a │ ST          │ Store register to memory│

  CLf - Clear flag
    │ CODE │ NAME(S)     │ DESCRIPTION             │
    │ 0x2b │ CLO         │ Clear OF in FL Register │
    │ 0x2c │ CLC         │ Clear CF in FL Register │
    │ 0x2d │ CLZ         │ Clear ZF in FL Register │
    │ 0x2e │ CLN         │ Clear NF in FL Register │
    │ 0x2f │ CLI         │ Clear IE in FL Register │
    │ 0x30 │ CL?         │ Reserved                │
    │ 0x31 │ CL?         │ Reserved                │
    │ 0x32 │ CL?         │ Reserved                │
    │ 0x33 │ CL?         │ Reserved                │
    │ 0x34 │ CL?         │ Reserved                │
    │ 0x35 │ CL?         │ Reserved                │
    │ 0x36 │ CL?         │ Reserved                │
    │ 0x37 │ CL?         │ Reserved                │
    │ 0x38 │ CL?         │ Reserved                │
    │ 0x39 │ CL?         │ Reserved                │
    │ 0x3a │ CL?         │ Reserved                │

  STf - Set flag
    │ CODE │ NAME(S)     │ DESCRIPTION             │
    │ 0x3b │ STO         │ Set OF in FL Register   │
    │ 0x3c │ STC         │ Set CF in FL Register   │
    │ 0x3d │ STZ         │ Set ZF in FL Register   │
    │ 0x3e │ STN         │ Set NF in FL Register   │
    │ 0x3f │ STI         │ Set IE in FL Register   │
    │ 0x40 │ ST?         │ Reserved                │
    │ 0x41 │ ST?         │ Reserved                │
    │ 0x42 │ ST?         │ Reserved                │
    │ 0x43 │ ST?         │ Reserved                │
    │ 0x44 │ ST?         │ Reserved                │
    │ 0x45 │ ST?         │ Reserved                │
    │ 0x46 │ ST?         │ Reserved                │
    │ 0x47 │ ST?         │ Reserved                │
    │ 0x48 │ ST?         │ Reserved                │
    │ 0x49 │ ST?         │ Reserved                │
    │ 0x4a │ ST?         │ Reserved                │

    │ CODE │ NAME(S)     │ DESCRIPTION             │
    │ 0x4b │ SUB         │ Subtraction             │
    │ 0x4c │ TEST        │ Logical compare (AND)   │
    │ 0x4d │ XOR         │ Exclusive OR            │


  0x00 ADC <r/imm/m>
    Adds the value of AR with the first operand and the carry flag and stores
    the result in AR. SF is modified to indicate if the result is
    signed (SF = 1) or unsigned (SF = 0). Sets CF on carry for unsigned math,
    OF on overflow for signed math and NF flag to indicate the sign of the
    signed result. Sets ZF if the result is 0 (AR = 0 && CF = 0 && OF = 0).

    The first operand can be immediate, register immediate, direct,
    register direct, indirect or register indirect.


      AR := AR + Operand1 + CF;

  0x01 ADD <r/imm/m>
    Adds the value of AR with the first operand and stores the result in AR.
    Sets the NF flag to indicate the sign of the signed result.
    Sets CF on carry for unsigned math, OF on overflow for signed math and the
    NF flag to indicate the sign of the signed result. Sets ZF if the result
    is 0 (AR = 0 && CF = 0 && OF = 0).

    The first operand can be immediate, register immediate, direct,
    register direct, indirect or register indirect.


      AR := AR + Operand1;

    Carry and Overflow example:

      0111b + 0001b = 0_1000b ; Signed int overflow,   OF = 1 CF = 0
      0111b + 1001b = 1_0000b ; Unsigned int overflow, OF = 0 CF = 1
      0001b + 0001b = 0010b   ; No overflow/carry,     OF = 0 CF = 0

  0x02 AND <r/imm/m>
    Executes a logical AND with the current value of AR and the first operand.
    The result is then stored in AR. Sets ZF if the result is 0, clears OF and


      AR := AR & Operand1;

  0x03 BIN <r/imm/m> <r/imm/m>
    Reads n units of data from the I/O Bus starting at the address indicated by
    Operand 1 and stores it to the destination indicated by Operand 2.
    The number of units read is indicated by the value of AL.

    Both operand can be immediate, register immediate, direct, register direct,
    indirect or register indirect.


      for i := 1 to AR do
        io_read(Operand1 + i - 1, Operand2);

  0x04 BOT <r/imm/m> <r/imm/m>
    Writes n units of data to the I/O Bus starting at the address indicated by
    Operand 1 and stores it to the destination indicated by Operand 2.
    The number of units written is indicated by the value of AL.

    Both operand can be immediate, register immediate, direct, register direct,
    indirect or register indirect.


      for i := 1 to AR do
        io_write(Operand1 + i - 1, Operand2);

  0x05 CALL <r/imm/m>
    Pushes the current value of IP to the stack and jumps to the address located
    by Operand 1.

    Operand 1 can be immediate, register immediate, direct, register direct,
    indirect or register indirect.


      IP := Operand1;

  0x07 CMP <r/imm/m> <r/imm/m>
    Subtracts Operand 1 from Operand 2 and sets the OF, CF and NF flags in the
    same way as SUB. Discards the actual subtraction result.

    Both operands can be immediate, register immediate, direct, register direct,
    indirect or register indirect.


      tmp := Operand1 - Operand2;

  0x08 DEC <r>
    Decrements the register given in Operand 1 by one.


      register := register - 1;

  0x09 DIV <r/imm/m>
    Divides the value of AR by Operand 1 as an unsigned value and stores the
    result in AR.

    Operand 1 can be immediate, register immediate, direct, register direct,
    indirect or register indirect.


      AR := AR / Operand1;

  0x0a IDIV <r/imm/m>
    Divides the value of AR by Operand 1 as a signed value and stores the
    result in AR.

    Operand 1 can be immediate, register immediate, direct, register direct,
    indirect or register indirect.


      AR := AR / Operand1;

  0x0b IMUL <r/imm/m>
    Multiplies the value of AR by Operand 1 as a signed value and stores the
    result in AR. CF and OF are set if the most signficant bit,
    including the sign bit, are carried over into AH. If the result fits into
    AL, CF and OF are cleared.

    Operand 1 can be immediate, register immediate, direct, register direct,
    indirect or register indirect.


      AR := AR * Operand 1;

      if AR = AL then
        CF := 0;
        OF := 0;
        CF := 1;
        OF := 0;

  0x0c IN <r/imm/m> <r/imm/m>
    Reads in one unit of data from the I/O bus at the address indicated by
    Operand 1 and writes the result to the address indicated by Operand 2.

    Both operands can be immediate, register immediate, direct, register direct,
    indirect or register indirect.


      io_read(Operand1, Operand2);

  0x0d INC <r>
    Increments the target register indicated by Operand 1 by one.


      register := register + 1;

  0x0e INT <imm>
    Triggers an interrupt with the id indicated by Operand1 if the IE flag is
    set. If IE is clear, this instruction does nothing.


      if not IE then exit;


  0x0f IRET
    Returns from an interrupt and sets IE. IID is also set to 0.
    This instruction should only be executed from within an interrupt handler.


      IE := 1;
      IID := 0;

  0x10 JMP <r/imm/m>
    Jumps to the address indicated by Operand 1.

    Operand 1 can be immediate, register immediate, direct, register direct,
    indirect or register indirect.


      IP := Operand1;

  0x11 JZ/JE <r/imm/m>
    Jumps to the address indicated by Operand 1 if ZF is set.

    Operand 1 can be immediate, register immediate, direct, register direct,
    indirect or register indirect.


      if ZF = 1 then
        IP := Operand1;

  0x12 JG <r/imm/m>
    Jumps to the address indicated by Operand 1 if ZF is not set and NF is the
    same as OF.

    Operand 1 can be immediate, register immediate, direct, register direct,
    indirect or register indirect.


      if ZF = 0 and (NF = OF) then
        IP := Operand1;

  0x13 JGE <r/imm/m>
    Jumps to the address indicated by Operand 1 if NF is the same as OF.

    Operand 1 can be immediate, register immediate, direct, register direct,
    indirect or register indirect.


      if NF = OF then
        IP := Operand1;

  0x14 JL <r/imm/m>
    Jumps to the address indicated by Operand 1 if NF is not the same as OF.

    Operand 1 can be immediate, register immediate, direct, register direct,
    indirect or register indirect.


      if NF <> OF then
        IP := Operand1;

  0x15 JLE <r/imm/m>
    Jumps to the address indicated by Operand 1 if ZF is set or NF is not the
    same as OF.

    Operand 1 can be immediate, register immediate, direct, register direct,
    indirect or register indirect.


      if ZF = 1 or (NF <> OF) then
        IP := Operand1;

  0x16 JC <r/imm/m>
    Jumps to the address indicated by Operand 1 if CF is set.

    Operand 1 can be immediate, register immediate, direct, register direct,
    indirect or register indirect.


      if CF = 1 then
        IP := Operand1;

  0x17 JS <r/imm/m>
    Jumps to the address indicated by Operand 1 if NF is set.

    Operand 1 can be immediate, register immediate, direct, register direct,
    indirect or register indirect.


      if NF = 1 then
        IP := Operand1;

  0x18 JNZ/JNE <r/imm/m>
    Jumps to the address indicated by Operand 1 if ZF is not set.

    Operand 1 can be immediate, register immediate, direct, register direct,
    indirect or register indirect.


      if ZF = 0 then
        IP := Operand1;

  0x19 JNC <r/imm/m>
    Jumps to the address indicated by Operand 1 if CF is not set.

    Operand 1 can be immediate, register immediate, direct, register direct,
    indirect or register indirect.


      if CF = 0 then
        IP := Operand1;

  0x1a JNS <r/imm/m>
    Jumps to the address indicated by Operand 1 if NF is not set.

    Operand 1 can be immediate, register immediate, direct, register direct,
    indirect or register indirect.


      if NF = 0 then
        IP := Operand1;

  0x1b LD <r> <r/imm/m>
    Loads the value indicated by Operand 2 into the register indicated by
    Operand 1.

    Operand 2 can be immediate, register immediate, direct, register direct,
    indirect or register indirect.


      register := Operand2;

  0x1c MOV <r/imm> <r>
    Sets the register indicated by Operand 2 to the value indicated by
    Operand 1.

    Operand 1 can be immediate or register immediate.

  0x1d MUL <r/imm/m>
    Multiplies (unsigned) the value of AR by Operand 1 and stores the result in
    AR. If the result fits into AR, CF and OF are cleared otherwise both get

    Operand 2 can be immediate, register immediate, direct, register direct,
    indirect or register indirect.

  0x1e NEG <r/m>

    Negates (Two's Complement) the value of Operand 1 and stores the result
    in Operand 1.

    Operand 1 can be register immediate, direct, register direct,
    indirect or register indirect.


      Operand1 := 0 - Operand1;

  0x1f NOP

    Does nothing.

  0x20 NOT <r/m>
    Negates (One's Complement) the value of Operand 1 and stores the result in
    Operand 1.

    Operand 1 can be direct, register direct, indirect or register indirect.


      Operand1 := 0 - Operand1;

  0x21 OR <r/imm/m>
    Performs a logical OR with the value of AR and Operand 1 and stores the
    result in AR.

    Operand 1 can be direct, register direct, indirect or register indirect.


      AR := AR or Operand1;

  0x22 OUT <r/imm/m> <r/imm/m>
    Writes in one unit of data to the I/O bus to the address indicated by
    Operand 2 from the address indicated by Operand 1.

    Both operands can be immediate, register immediate, direct, register direct,
    indirect or register indirect.


      io_write(Operand2, Operand1);

  0x23 POP <r/m>
    Pops the top value from the stack and writes it to the location indicated by
    Operand 1. Increments SP by 2.

    Operand 1 can be register immediate, direct, register direct, indirect
    or register indirect.


      Operand1 := *SP;
      SP := SP + 2;

  0x24 PUSH <r/imm/m>
    Pushes the value indicated by Operand 1 to the top of the stack. Decrements
    SP by 2.

    Operand 1 can be immediate, register immediate, direct, register direct,
    indirect  or register indirect.


      SP := SP - 2;
      *SP := Operand1;

  0x25 RET
    Returns from a subroutine.



  0x26 ROL <r/m> <r/imm/m>
    Rotates the value indicated by Operand 1 left by the amount of times
    indicated by Operand 2 and stores the result in Operand 1.

    Operand 1 can be register immediate, direct, register direct, indirect or
    register indirect.

    Operand 2 can be immediate, register immediate, direct, register direct,
    indirect or register indirect.


      tmp := Operand1 shl Operand2;
      Operand1 := tmp or (tmp shr 16 and 0xff)

  0x27 ROR <r/m> <r/imm/m>
    Rotates the value indicated by Operand 1 right by the amount of times
    indicated by Operand 2 and stores the result in Operand 1.

    Operand 1 can be register immediate, direct, register direct, indirect or
    register indirect.

    Operand 2 can be immediate, register immediate, direct, register direct,
    indirect or register indirect.


      tmp := (Operand1 shl 8) shr Operand2;
      Operand1 := (Operand1 shr Operand2) or ((tmp and 0xff) shl 8)

  0x28 SL <r/m> <r/imm/m>
    Shifts the value indicated by Operand 1 left by the amount indicated by
    Operand 2 and stores the result in Operand 1.

    Operand 1 can be register immediate, direct, register direct, indirect or
    register indirect.

    Operand 2 can be immediate, register immediate, direct, register direct,
    indirect or register indirect.


      Operand1 := Operand1 shl Operand2;

  0x29 SR <r/m> <r/imm/m>
    Shifts the value indicated by Operand 1 right by the amount indicated by
    Operand 2 and stores the result in Operand 1.

    Operand 1 can be register immediate, direct, register direct, indirect or
    register indirect.

    Operand 2 can be immediate, register immediate, direct, register direct,
    indirect or register indirect.


      Operand1 := Operand1 shr Operand2;

  0x2a ST <r/imm/m> <m>
    Stores the value indicated by Operand 1 to the place in memory indicated by
    Operand 2.

    Operand 1 can be immediate, register immediate, direct, register direct,
    indirect or register indirect.

    Operand 2 can be direct, register direct, indirect or register indirect.


      Operand2 := Operand1;

  0x2b CLO
    Clears the overflow flag.

  0x2c CLC
    Clears the carry flag.

  0x2d CLZ
    Clears the zero flag.

  0x2e CLN
    Clears the negative flag.

  0x2f CLI
    Clears the interrupt enable flag.

  0x30..0x3a CL?
    This range of instructions is currently invalid.

  0x3b STO
    Sets the overflow flag.

  0x3c STC
    Sets the carry flag.

  0x3d STZ
    Sets the zero flag.

  0x3e STN
    Sets the negative flag.

  0x3f STI
    Sets the interrupt enable flag.

  0x40..0x4a ST?
    This range of instructions is currently invalid.

  0x4b SUB <r/imm/m>
    Subtracts the value indacted by Operand 1 from the value of AR and stores
    the result in AR.
    Sets CF on carry for unsigned math, OF on overflow for signed math and the
    NF flag to indicate the sign of the signed result. Sets ZF if the result
    is 0 (AR = 0 && CF = 0 && OF = 0).

    Operand 1 can be immediate, register immediate, direct, register direct,
    indirect or register indirect.

  0x4c TEST <r/imm/m>
    Executes a logical AND with the value indicated by Operand 1 and the value
    indicated by Operand 2. The result of the AND is discarded. Sets ZF if the
    result is 0, clears OF and CF.

    Operand 1 can be immediate, register immediate, direct, register direct,
    indirect or register indirect.


      ANDSetFlags(AR & Operand1);

  0x4d XOR <r/imm/m>
    Executes a XOR operation on the value of AR with the value indicated by
    Operand 1. Stores the result in AR.

    Operand 1 can be immediate, register immediate, direct, register direct,
    indirect or register indirect.


      AR := AR ^ Operand1;


 MFD0816 INSTRUCTIONS by Marie Eckert is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0,
 see <>