{$start} {$title} mfd0816 {$begin-section} about {$head} about The MFD-0816 (alternatively MFD0816, mfd0816 (because im not a very consistent <br> person)) is a 16-bit fantasy CPU and based on the intel 8088, it features a <br> word size of 16 bits, a 16 bit address bus, 4 16-bit general purpose registers <br> and a general purpose I/O bus with support for block I/O. <br> The first un-implemented (and thus probably flawed) version of the <br> design/specification alongside the preliminary instruction set reference are <br> available here. Once I feel like the assembler (and probably later on the <br> emulator too) are implemented far enough and dont end up dead in the water <br> before that, the source code of both will become publicly available under the <br> GPLv3. <br> All documents detailing the design of the MFD-0816 and other fantasy hardware <br> and tooling around it are licensed under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license. <br> {$begin-section} links {$sub-head} links * <a href="https://github.com/MarieEckert/mfd0816">GitHub (currently private)</a><br> {$style description}   Git repository containing the spec. documents and the assembler & emulator implementations (C++). {$reset} {$end-section} {$end-section} {$begin-section} documents {$head} documents {$begin-section} version-1 {$sub-head} Version 1 * <a href="/projects/mfd0816/VERSION1_DESIGN.txt">Design / Specification</a><br> * <a href="/projects/mfd0816/VERSION1_INSTRUCTIONS.txt">Instruction Set Reference </a><br> {$end-section}