{$start} {$title} m@r¹€ (dot) søfŧw@r€ {$begin-section} about {$head} about I'm Marie and I like C, Freepascal and Rust.
This website was made using my own static-site generator written in 100% freepascal. Since I am too lazy to make a nice template this also looks like shit :) {$begin-section} socials-contacts {$sub-head} Socials / Contact * GitHub
* Twitter
* Pouet
{$end-section} {$end-section} {$begin-section} projects {$head} projects {$begin-section} c {$sub-head} c * mariebuild[github]
  A customary buildsystem written in C.
* mcfg_2[github]
  Library to parse the Marie-Configuration/2 file format.
* mawim[github]
  Simple and not fully functional X11 Window Manager.
* libfwbt[github]
  A Library to parse Fixed-Width-Binary-Tables.
{$end-section} {$begin-section} freepascal {$sub-head} freepascal * fpc-sitegen[github]
  A simple static-site-generator.
* sad[github]
  The Simple-Ansi-Document file format suite.
* pasfetch[github]
  My system information fetcher.
{$end-section} {$end-section}