{$title} m@r¹€ (dot) søfŧw@r€
{$begin-section} about
{$head} about
I'm Marie and I like programming (particularly in C, Freepascal and Rust), music and Half-Life.
This website was made using my own static-site generator written in 100% freepascal. Since I am too lazy to make a nice
template this also looks like shit :)
{$begin-section} socials-contacts
{$sub-head} Socials / Contact
* GitHub
* Mastodon
* Twitter
* Pouet
{$begin-section} projects
{$head} projects
{$begin-section} worked-on
{$sub-head} worked on
* [rust] epoqe - prost – A intro framework and build tool.
* [demo] epoqe & Team210 - aurora florea (code support, tooling)
* [demo] Moonbase & epoqe - HEL (code support)
* [demo] epoqe - As they left the docks (code support)
* [demo] Schlagauftragg - Evoke 2000 Invitation Remastered (music, vocals)
* [demo] epoqe - Caturday Night Fever (music)
* [demo] epoqe - Eden Disorder (code support, music)
{$begin-section} other
{$sub-head} other
* mfd0816 [github]